Psychodynamic explanation

Cards (7)

  • Pre-phallic children
    the 3rd stage of Freuds 5 psychosexual stage is the phallic stage, this is when gender development occurs
    Prior to this, children have no concept of gender identity
  • Oedipus complex
    in the phallic stage boys develop incestuous feelings towards their mother
    They have a jealous and murderous hatred towards their father, who stands in the way of the boy possessing his mother, however the boy recognises his dad is more powerful
    To resolve the conflict, the boy gives up his love for his mother, and begins to identify with his father
  • electra complex
    in the phallic stage, girls experience penis envy, seeing themselves and their mother in competition for their fathers love
    girls develop a double resentment towards their mother, as a love rival and lack of penis
    Overtime, girls accept they won’t have a penis and substitute penis envy for the desire to have children and so identify with their mother
  • identification and internalisation
    freud says children identify with the same sex parent as a way of resolving their respective complexes
    boys adopt the attitudes and values of their father and girls adopt these of their mothers
    this involves children taking on the gender identity of the same sex-parent, this is internalisation
  • A limitation is the inadequate account of women’s development
    Freud has admitted women were a mystery to him, his penis envy theory has been criticised as reflecting the androcentic Victorian era that he lived in where men held so much power
    much of the theorising of girls was taken on by one of freuds contemporaries
  • A limitation is it lacks scientific credibility
    Freud is often criticised for the lack of rigorous in his methods, many of his concepts are untestable as they are largely unconscious
    this makes the theory not genuine science as his key ideas cant be falsified
    this questions the validity of the theory
  • A strength is the support for the oedipus complex
    Normal development for boys requires being raised by at least 1 male
    gender identity of 49 boys aged 3 to 11 years was rated, out of those who were gender disturbed, 75% didn’t have a father
    However, generally, the relationship between the absent father and gender identity problems isn’t supported, children from lesbian families feel less pressure to conform to gender stereotypes and are less likely to assume that own gender is superior, but there are no differences in gender identity