multi skilling -This means having a workforce that can be moved around from one job to another
Multiskilling advantages- Less staff are needed, those that are employed are used to capacity not standing around
multiskilling disadvantages- •Businesses lose the benefits of having specialist staff
full time work- There is no specific number of hours that makes someone full or part-time, but a full-time worker will usually work 35 hours or more a week
Full time work advantages- |
May be more highly paid per hour than part-time
Access to more holiday entitlement
disadvantages of full time work-Less flexible than part-timers, no-one to cover late nights and weekends
•A part-time worker is someone who works fewer hours than a full-time worker.
part time advantages-
Part-time jobs attract a wide pool of applicants with experience and skills who might not want a full-time job
Flexible to respond to seasonal changes in demand
part time disadvantages-
Employee may work more than one job which would make them inflexible
Employee might leave if they find a full-time job
•A temporary (temp) job is one where the employer only needs extra staff to cover a seasonal period
temporary work advantages-
•Ideal for a business that needs extra workers for a special project
•Useful to meet seasonal demands, and work fluctuations
temporary work disadvantages •Agency staff may be expensive but it may be cheaper than hiring permanent staff
•A permanent contract is the most common type of employment, an indefinite contract whereby you are employed by the company until either the employee leaves is fired or made redundant
permanent work advantages- •Higher staff morale as they know they have a secure job
permeant work disadvantages- Permanent staff can develop negative attitudes to work, or get involved in office politics and so may become lazy,
flexible hours- Flexible working is a way of working that suits an employee’s needs
flexible hours advantages- From a business perspective flexible working can keep valuable staff from leaving and can also cover busy periods
flexible hours disadvantages- •Can sometimes confuse suppliers or customers who may want to speak to the same member of staff
Zeros hours contracts means that employees are “on call” to work when you need them, but they have no fixed hours of employment
zero hour advantages- üGreat for a business where work can be unpredictable
zero hour disadvantages- £Employees might not give the business the commitment and loyalty that a full-time worker would
home working
outsourcing- business outsources tasks to external business this is good as they don't need to invest in training