
Cards (9)

  • "In silence I grieve" --> illicit relationship; unable to share his pain

    "In silence and in tears" --> cyclical structure; despite the progression of time throughout the poem, the speaker is encapsulated by inescapable sadness, and is unable to move on; cycle of sorrow
    -repetition signifies the depth of the feeling of loss
  • "They name thee... A knell in mine ear" --> exaggerated sense of loss due to dark imagery, through theme of death: "knell" = a funeral bell; emphasis/ symbolic of the end of the relationship that he now mourns. May also be symbolic of her haunting him
  • "Pale grew thy cheek and cold" --> "pale" = connotation of death, further links to theme of death/ death of relationship
    "grew" --> gradual separation
    "cold" --> pathetic fallacy; connotates coldness of relationship
  • AO3: Byron was described as being "mad, bad and dangerous" as he was known to have multiple affairs (due to travelling) --> suggesting he did recover. However these themes of despair and difficulty emphasise the universal difficulties related to breaking up.
  • "Thy vows are all broken" --> theme of betrayal/ resentment
  • "They name thee before me"

    "They know not I knew thee" --> arouses reader's curiosity as the lover's identity remains concealed: AO3

    Irony --> those who gossip about the lover in front of the speaker are unaware she was the speaker's lover
  • "If I should meet thee after long years" --> "if" conditional verb reinforces the speaker's feelings of grief are likely to persist; may also be symbolic of the speaker hoping to meet his lover again

    "long years" --> further displays depth of his grief through continuation of mourning
  • "Half broken-hearted" --> one-sided heartbreak

    "sever" --> harsh verb, the relationship has been cut away from narrator against his will
  • Language devices:
    "In secret we met- In silence I grieve" --> alliteration, the hushed sibilant sound reflects the illicit relationship (continued in stanza --> "They spirit deceive")