
Cards (14)

  • Religious pluralism
    A 20th century development that sees god as the ultimate reality and religions as culturally determined responses. Christianity is one of the many possible routes to god, just as the many rivers run to the sea.
  • Every religion goes to godChristianity is no better than any other
  • Christian universalism
    The belief that Christ will save everyone in the end. If all people are made in God's image and God is omnibenevolent He will not wish anyone not be saved ultimately. This is compatible with inclusivism but not all inclusivists are universalists.
  • Origen was a Christian universalist
  • Everyone will be saved through Christ
  • Pluralistic universalism
    All religions can be paths to salvation without one being more true than others
  • Every religion is a path to salvation – none is more true than another
  • Exclusivism
    Salvation comes through explicit faith in Christ/ and the church. Other faiths are not sufficient for salvation.
  • "No one comes to the father except through me" – JohnHendrik Kramer
  • Salvation comes from explicit faith in Christ
  • Christian inclusivism
    Salvation is ultimately through Christ, but inclusive of either all or some of those who follow other faiths
  • There is truth in other faiths, but Jesus is the fullest revelation
  • There is truth in other faiths – but salvation comes from Christ – and saves some people of other religions
  • Tolerance of religious diversity
    This is about how people from different faiths live alongside each other rather than the theological beliefs about salvation. It can be on a national scale, or it can be on the other end of the spectrum where a country only allows one religion. It can also be on a local level where inter-faith groups can combine on social projects or in the scriptural reasoning movement where members of different faiths study their scriptures alongside each other.