
Cards (9)

  • a solution is made when a solute dissolves into a solvent
  • if a substance can dissolve into a solvent it is soluable
  • if a substance cannot dissolve in water, it is insoluble
  • heating, stirring and using fine powders speed up dissolving
  • a solution is made when a solution dissolves
  • Solubility measures how much solute can dissolve in a volume of solvent at a specific temperature. For example, sugar has a higher solubility in water than salt. Therefore, more sugar than salt can dissolve in a volume of water at a specific temperature.
  • If a solid does not dissolve in a specific solvent, it is insoluble in that solvent.
  • There is a limit to the mass of solute that will dissolve in a particular volume of the solvent. When no more solute dissolves, the solution is saturated.
  • A solution is made when a substance dissolves into a liquid. The liquid is called the solvent. The substance that has been dissolved is called the solute.