social psychologists: focus on how we think about, influence & relate to one another
attribution theory: people attempt to attribute another person by crediting situation / disposition
fundamental attribution error: tendency to underestimate situation & overestimate disposition
self-serving bias: habit of taking credit for positive results & blaming others for negative results
attitudes: feelings that are influenced by beliefs & predispose reactions
peripheral route persuasion: people respond to incidental cues & make snap judgement
central route persuasion: offers evidence & arguments to convince people
foot-in-the-door phenomenon: people who agree with small requests find it easier to comply with larger ones later
role: function someone assumes in a given situation
zimbardo's stanford prison experiment: volunteers assigned prisoner or guard role, but became too involved in roles & experiment was stopped
festinger's cognitive dissonance theory: adjusting attitudes according to actions so there's no contradiction
chameleon effect: copying other's behavior unconsciously to match social social situation
conformity: adjusting behavior / thinking to match group standard
asch's conformity experiments: person who answered questions after everyone else answered the same as others, even if wrong
normative social influence: conforming to social norms to avoid rejection / gain approval
informative social influence: accepting opinions that others hold about reality
milgrim's obedience experiments: people receive increasing shock with incorrect answers and were less likely to think about what they were doing with no responsibiltiy
social facilitation: strengthened performance in the presence of others
social loafing: people exert less effort on task if in a group
deindividuation: losing self-awareness and self-restraint usually in group participation
group polarization: beliefs are fortified by discussing strongly-held beliefs with those who share them
groupthink: group makes decisions in a way that discourages creativity & individuality
minority influence: idea that minority individuals could sway the majority
culture: behaviors / ideas / traditions / attitudes that are held and passed down in a group
norms: rules for accepted / expected behaviors
prejudice: negative attitude towards people of a certain group
stereotypes: believing people of a same group behave a same way
ethnocentrism: assuming one's own ethnic group is superior
discrimination: behaving negatively towards people of groups outside yours
just-world phenomenon: idea that good is rewarded and evil is punished
ingroup: people in one's own group
outgroup: people not in own group
ingroup bias: favoring people from own group
scapegoat theory: when things go wrong, people look for someone to blame
other-race effect: ability to easily recognize people of own race
hindsight bias: looking back at something after knowing outcome and thinking outcome was obvious
aggression: behaving a certain way with the intention of hurting others
frustration-aggression principle: miserable people often make others feel miserable too
social scripts: "script" provided by society telling you how to act
mere exposure effect: repeated exposure to novel stimuli increases liking