Dorsum of the tongue (Principal organ of taste and invaluable during speech, mastication, and deglutition.)
Foliate papillae (Large, red, leaf-like projections on the lateral surfaces of the tongue.)
Fungiform papillae (Sparse, scattered, and shorter, mushroom-like papillae that can be identified because of their larger round shape and deep red color.)
Circumvallate papillae (Forming a V-shaped row on the dorsum near the posterior third of the tongue.)
Filiform papillae (Fine hair-like papillae covering the anterior two thirds of the dorsal surface of the tongue.)
Ventral of the tongue (Undersurface is shiny, and blood vessels are visible.)
Lingual frenum (Thin sheet of tissue in the middle that attaches the undersurface of the tongue to the floor of the mouth.)
Plica fimbriata (Delicate fringers of mucous membrane on each side of the frenum on the ventral surface of the tongue.)