Radial or biradial symmetry
Anthozoa (koralovce) - sea anemones (sasanky), corals
Medusozoa - Box jellyfish (štvorhranky), Sea wasps, Hydras, True jellyfish (medúzovce), Stalked jellyfish (kalichovky), parasites
Myxozoa (výtrusníky)(parasites)
Diploblastic body consists of supporting structure mesoglea (between two layer of epithelium, outer layer is called ectoderm, inner gastroderm tissue as hydrostatic skeleton - water + collagen + proteins)
Body forms: swimming medusa (jet propulsion- prúdový pohon) and sessile polyps. Hydrozoan species can alternate between both polymorphism
Muscular system: myoepitel (tissue capable of contractions, endodermal origin), no real muscles
Digestive system: cyclic digestion. Digestive cavity (coelenteron) also acts as a hydrostatic skeleton
Respiratory system: diffusion
Circulatory system: none
Excretory system: out through the mouth
Nervous system: diffused or circular
Tentacles with cnidocytes (harpoon like nettle cells)
Hydroids may consist of zooids (defence, reproduction and hunting function)
Capable of generation
Sexual reproduction- complex life cycle, similar to porifera, but adulds have gonads in the gastroderm
Asexual reproduction - fragmentation, budding, split down the middle