Bottom up

Cards (10)

  • The aim of the bottom up approach is to generate a picture of the offender, their likley characteristics, routine behaviour and social background
  • investigative psychology
    Is an attempt to apply statistical procedures alongside psychological theory
    the aim is to establish patterns of behaviour that are likely to occur across crime scenes
    this is to develop a statistical database which is used for comparison
  • interpersonal coherence is the way an offender behaves at the scene, including their interactions with the victims may reflect their behaviour in more everyday situations as people are consistent in their behaviour 
  • significance of time and place - these may give indications about where the offender lives
    forensic awareness- focuses on individuals who may have been the subject if police interrogation before, their behaviour may denote how mindful they are of ‘covering their tracks’
  • Geographical processing
    used to make inferences about where an offender is likely to live
    offenders are classed as either marauders or commuters
    marauders commit crimes close to home
    commuters travel away from home to commit crimes
  • circle theory
    pattern of offending usually forms a circle around the offenders home
  • a strength is the evidence for investigative psychology
    an analysis of 66 sexual assault cases using smallest space analysis
    serval behaviours were identified as common in different samples of behaviour
    each individual displayed a characteristic pattern of such behaviours which can help establish if 2 offences were committed by the same person, case linkage
  • case linkage depends on the database of historical crimes that have been solved
    they’ve likley been solved because they are relatively straight forwards
    this means investigative psychology tells us little about crimes that have few links and remain unsolved
  • there is support for geographical profiling
    collated information from 120 murder cases involving serial killers
    smallest space analysis revealed spatial consistency in the behaviour of the killers
    the location of each body disposal created a centre of gravity, the effect was more noticeable when offenders travelled short distances
  • A limitation is that geographical profiling may not be sufficient on its own
    the success of geographical profiling may be reliant on the quality of data that the police can provide. recording of crime is not always accurate, can vary between police forces and an estimated 75% of crimes are not even reported to police in the first place.
    critics claim that other factors are just as important in creating a profile
    geographical information alone may not always lead to the successful capture of an offender.