acidosis vs alkalosis

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  • acidosis: the blood has too much acid, cause can be either respiratory or metabolic
  • acidosis: if pH returns to normal, response is called complete compensation: the rest and renal system will never overcompensate
  • 3 regulating systems maintain body pH:
    1. chemical buffers
    2. respiratory system
    3. renal system
  • buffers are substances that can absorb excessive acid or base to minimize fluctuations in pH
  • Main chemical buffers are bicarbonate, phosphate, and protein
  • alkalosis
    • the blood has too much base
    • cause can be either respiratory or metabolic
  • metabolic acidosis:
    • pH: decreased
    • paCO2: normal
    • Bicarbonate: decreased
  • DKA= metabolic acidosis
  • metabolic acidosis: depresses the CNS and if untreated leads to arrhythmia, coma, and cardiac arrest
  • metabolic acidosis: overproduction of ketone bodies and decreased ability of kidneys to excrete acids
  • metabolic acidosis s/s: headache, decreased BP, hyperkalemia, muscle twitching, warm flushed skin, n/v, decreased muscle ton, decreased reflexes
  • Metabolic alkalosis s/s: restless.lethargy, tachycardia, compensatory hypoventilation, confusion, n/v, diarrhea, tremors, muscle cramps, tingling, hypokalemia
  • Metabolic alkalosis:
    pH- increased
    bicarbonate- increased
  • hypoglycemia: sweating, trembling, dizziness, mood changes, hunger, headaches, blurred vision, extreme tiredness and paleness
  • hyperglycemia: dry mouth, extreme thirst, frequent urge to urinate, drowsiness, stomach pain