Melophagus ovinus life cycle and habits
1. Keds are permanent ectoparasites, entire life spent on the host
2. Female attaches its larva to the wool of the sheep by means of a sticky substance
3. Larval development requires about a week and the extruded larva pupates within a few hours
4. Pupal stage lasts 19-23 days in summer to 36 days in the winter, or longer if the sheep are exposed to very cold temperature
5. Pupal cases remain glued to the wool of the host sheep throughout the metamorphosis of the adult fly, which emerges in 3-6 weeks, depending on the ambient temperature
6. Female ked lives 4-5 months on a sheep
7. Copulation occurs 3-4 days after the emergence of the adult and each gestation lasts about 10-12 days
8. A female may produce 10-15 larvae
9. They usually spread from sheep to sheep by contact and are most numerous in the autumn and winter