Cards (5)

    Research Evidence
    Bosari and Carey 2001 - literature review - effects of peer pressure on drinking of college students
    PSN - make excessive alcohol use appear common
    strong support that peers impact AB, but no conclusive proof
    Bosari and Carey - reviewed lots of studies - ext val, may be inconsistencies - int rel
    Method issues - research evidence = correlational
    Simons and Farhart - positive relationship between peers and smoking
    only rel found, can't establish cause and effect
    can't say for certain that PI causes A
    EXT - Ennet and Bauman - non smokers w smokers = more likely to smoke - evidence of influence
    switch friend groups in line with smoking behaviour = evidence of selection
    Reductionist - complex behaviour due to only peer interactions
    fails to account for other influences
    PI - weak account of AB = Diathesis Stress Model is better
    C - most AB - carried out in private - how do peers influence that and what maintains it
    Useful applications
    SNMA ( Social Norms Marketing Advertising ) uses advertising to challenge young people's perception of drinking habits
    trial in welsh unis - stats on beer mats
    PSN - may be useful to prevent AB in at risk groups, successful applications > val, but its overall effectiveness isn't successful
    No evidence to suggest it reduced drinking, only changed attitudes towards it
    evidence suggest relationship but not causation
    PI - important factor in initiation but can't explain why it's maintained
    most evidence focuses on specific addictions but not others > limited
    useful - challenges students perception of others behaviour and may help reduce engagement in vulnerable groups prone to starting addictive behaviours