
Cards (12)

  • a gene is a heritable factor that consists of a length of DNA and influences a specific characteristics
  • Alleles are different versions of the same gene.
  • in eukaryotes chromosomes occur as homologous pairs- cells that have two copies of each gene
  • genome is the whole genetic material of an organism
    • genome size is not an indicator of an organisms complexity
  • Mutations are a change in the sequence of base pairs in a DNA molecule- sometimes leads to a change in the coded protein
  • Sickle cell anaemia occurs from a single base substitution in the beta-globin gene where adenine is replaced by thymine
  • gel electrophoresis:
    • separation of proteins and DNA fragments according to size and charge
  • PCR
    • used to amplify a single piece of DNA and make many copies
    • denaturing, annealing, extension
  • DNA profiling- identifying and comparing individuals based on their DNA base sequence
  • PCR- to increase quantity of DNA
    • denature, anneal, elongate
    Cut DNA with restriction enzyme
    • cut outside short tandem repeat regions
    • creates fragments of different sizes
    Gel electrophoresis- separate the DNA fragments
    DNA profiling- transfer from gel to membrane
  • transgenic organisms- organisms that have been genetically modified to produce a desired trait
  • Insulin synthesis:
    • insulin gene taken from human cell
    • plasmid take from bacteria
    • sticky ends of gene create recombinant plasmid
    • this creates a transgenic bacteria
    • this is grown in a culture
    • insulin can then be extracted