2. Experimenter left room, gave instructions by telephone - obedience rate 20.5%
The place where an order is issued, and the status or prestige associated with that location
Location in Milgram's study
1. Prestigious university setting (Yale) - 65% obedience
2. Run-down office downtown - 47.5% obedience
A specific outfit that is symbolic of authority, indicating who is entitled to expect obedience
Uniform in Milgram's study
1. Experimenter wore lab coat - 65% obedience
2. Role of experimenter carried out by ordinary member of public - 20% obedience
Getting someone else to do it
Participant/teacher instructed someone else to administer shocks - 92.5% obedience
Having support from another person can influence someone's behaviour
Support in Milgram's study
Teacher given support from two other 'teachers' who refused to obey - 10% obedience
Milgram went on to do a series of experiments to try and account for the weaknesses identified in the first study, or to further investigate questions that arose
9 situational variables were identified as affecting obedience in Milgram's variations of his baseline study
9 situational variables affecting obedience
Proximity of authority figure
Physical proximity of learner
Location of the experiment
Legitimacy and closeness of the authority figure
Depersonalization of the victim
Role models for defiance
Incremental gradation of commands
Buffers and the gradual increase in severity
Lack of clear role responsibility
Social Influence: Crash Course Psychology: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGxGDdQnC1Y&ab_channel=CrashCourse'