Action: change the environment to make it more suitable for the organism to survive.
Somatic vs autonomic:
skeletal muscles: move limbs
smooth muscles: change bloodpressure, digestfood
cardiac muscles: heartbeat
endocrine glands: secrete hormones
exocrine glands: secrete sweat
Inverse model: current position and desired position to motor commands (used to create motor plans)
Forward models: current position and motor commands to predicted position (used to evaluate motor plans and actions)
Efference copy: internal copy of a motor command
Feedforward vs feedback:
Feedforward control
motor command sent to muscle
faster but less accurate
Feedback control
motor command sent to muscle
actual state compared to desired state
Would a feedforward controller use a forwardmodel or an inverse model?
Premotor cortex:
involved in selecting goals and planning actions at a conceptual level
particularly when plans are driven by external stimuli
planning in premotor cortex occurs before voluntary movement
Mirror neurons:
some neurons in premotor cortex represent actions at a conceptual level
performing or observing an action
Supplementary motor cortex (SMA):
involved in selecting goals and planning actions at a conceptual level
particularly when plans involve an internally generated sequence of actions
Motor representation and motor cortex:
motor cortex represents directional movements of body parts, not specific muscle actions
signals from motor cortex travel direclty to lower motor neurons and lower circuit neurons in brainstem and spinal cord
Population vector:
treat firing of each neuron as a vector
direction = preferred direction
length = firing rate
add up vectors for all neurons
population vector: accurately represents actual movement direction
Basal ganglia:
help to select, initiate, and inhibit movements through cortico-basal ganglia-thalamocortical loops
critical to dopamine-based reinforcement learning
participate in motor control, cognitive control, and emotional control
Basal ganglia direct pathway:
Globus pallidus pars interna/substantia nigra
Basal ganglia indirect pathway:
Globus pallidus pars externa
Subthalamic nucleus
Globus pallidus pars interna/substantia nigra
Action initiation: direct pathway
Action inhibition: indirect pathway
acts as a closing gate
unexpected rewards generate dopamine signals from the substantia nigra
this excites the direct pathway and inhibits the indirect pathway
this allows modification of behaviour based on reward
Motor coordination and cerebellum:
uses forward model to predict results of motor commands
uses differences between actual results and predicted results for:
online error correction
motor learning
feedback control
Fitt's law: the speed/accuracy tradeoff for pointing motions
Time, T, depends on:
Distance to target (D)
Width of target (W)
Initiation time for limb (a)
Relative pace of limb (b)
From cortex to spinal cord:
axons from primary motor cortex synapse directly on lower motor neurons and local circuit neurons
spinal cord circuits can also control movements on thier own
Central pattern generators:
local circuits in spinal cord:
can control complex movements
can respond to environmental changes
do not require higher-level input
Motor action and muscles:
lower motor neurons synapse directly on muscle fibers
release of neurotransmitter causes muscle fiber to contract
muscle spindles detect changes in muscle length and send them back to spinal cord via dorsal root ganglion
Types of electrical recordings:
voltage clamp
patch clamp
single-unit recording
multi-electrode recording
Ethical concerns with animal experimentation:
care and housing
surgical implantations of electrodes
training and performance
killing/sacrific after experiment
If an animal stepped on a sharp tack with the right hind limb, the left hindlimb would receive:
excitatory signals to the motor neurons for the extensor muscle
inhibitory signal to the motor neurons for the flexor muscle
According to Fitt's law:
the time to move to a target increases as the distance to the target gets longer
the time to move to a target decreases as the width of the target gets larger
Role of premotor cortex in motor planning:
multiple potential motor plans can be generated in preparation for action
An efference copy of a motor command can be used as input for a forward model in order to predict behaviour for use in feedback control
In feedforward control, an inverse model is given the desired result and outputs a motor command that is intended to achieve that result
Lower motor neurons: motor neurons that connect the CNS to the muscles
Central pattern generator: a collection of neurons within the central nervous system that is able to spontaneously generate and maintain rhythmic movements