Cards (14)

    • In Indonesia, particularly on Java and Bali, gamelan is an essential accompaniment for wayang performance and other dramatic forms. Gamelan is also enjoyed as an element of ritual celebrations such as wedding receptions, circumcisions, and village ceremonies.
    • At certain junctures of the play, the dhalang chants or sings songs (called sulukan) to set the mood of the scene, which is accompanied by soft-sounding instruments. A gamelan ensemble is comprised mainly by bronze percussion instruments augmented by other percussion instruments, strings, and a flute.
    • the most important for wayang kulit is the gendér. This metallophone accompanies all narratives, sulukan, and musical compositions. Because of the importance of this instrument, it is always positioned directly behind the dhalang.
    • Also essential to wayang performance is the kendhang, a drum. The kendhang sets the tempo of the music and the puppets’ dances. Tempo signifies dramatic action: loud, accelerated music bolsters the intensity of the drama, whereas soft music, with a slow tempo, serves as background music for the dhalang’s narration or an important character’s recitation. Changes in the tempo are led by the kendhang when the drummer receives a cue from the dhalang
    • Gamelan is also enjoyed as an element of ritual celebrations such as wedding receptions, circumcisions, and village ceremonies.
    • Gender is a metallophone that accompanies all narratives, sulukan, and musical composition.
    • Kendhang is drum essential to wayang performance . It sets the tempo of the music and the puppets’ dances.
    • Chinese New Year is the longest and most important festivity in the Chinese calendar. The Chinese New Year, also called Spring Festival, is the most important and widely celebrated festival in China.
    • Dragon Dances are an important part of their culture especially during Chinese New Year celebrations.
    • Chinese New Year is known as "Spring Festival," the literal translation of the Chinese name Chūnjié, since the spring season in Chinese calendar starts with lichun, the first solar term in a Chinese calendar year.
    • Traditionally women wear the cheongsams and the qipaos while the men wear the mandarin collared shirts with the Chinese dragon symbols, and traditional kung fu suits and coats
    • Mainstream Smoke - refers to the smoke produced by cigarettes that is directly inhaled by the smoker.
    • Side Stream Smoke – also known as Second hand smoke or Environmental tobacco smoke, which comes out directly of the lighted end of cigarette pipes. This is considered to be more dangerous than mainstream smoke.
    • Third-Hand Smoke – smoke that is left for a long time usually on furniture, exposed to cigarette smoking. This is also called as residual tobacco smoke. This kind of smoke settles along with the dust and can last for months. This smoke still contains harmful chemicals and carcinogens.