Unlocks action of enzymes, analogy: car keys to car (enzyme)
Citric Acid Cycle
1. Acetyl CoA enters CAC & binds to oxaloacetate
2. Citrate converted to intermediate compound (alpha-ketoglutarate), loses C in form of CO2
3. Alpha-ketoglutarate loses CO2 and succinyl-CoA formed
4. One ATP forms from GTP; succinate and fumarate release H+ ions picked up by FAD and NAD+
5. End point -- 4C oxaloacetate is formed; available to bind with the next acetyl CoA so the cycle can repeat
NAD+ and FAD
Coenzymes that shuttle electrons and hydrogen ions
Electron Transport Chain
1. Coenzymes NADH and FADH2 carry H+ and high energy electrons from Citric Acid Cycle to ETC
2. Electrons pass through chain with iron-containing cytochromes
3. Cytochrome c facilitates bonding of 2 H+ with O, forming H2O
4. Energy released during electron transfer; used to attach P to ADP, forming ATP
Other Sources of Glucose
Other monosaccharides (fructose & galactose)
Glycogenolysis (glycogen --> glucose)
Gluconeogenesis (non-CHO precursor --> glucose)
Broken down into glyceraldehyde --> converted to glycerol (backbone of triglycerides), only liver can use fructose for energy
Converted in a two-step process into glucose (mainly in liver), catabolized via glycolytic pathway
Breakdown of glycogen into glucose, coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) needed
Synthesis of glucose from non-CHO precursors: glycerol, lactate, pyruvate and many amino acids, not the reverse of glycolysis
Most energy-dense macronutrient group, body can extract energy from dietary fat or fat stored in fat tissue, adipocytes use hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) to facilitate lipolysis (removing three fatty acids from glycerol backbone)
1. Breakdown of glycogen into glucose
2. Coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) needed
1. Synthesis of glucose from non-CHO precursors: glycerol, lactate, pyruvate and many amino acids
2. Not the reverse of glycolysis; some steps in glycolytic pathway flow in only one direction (towards CAC)
Most energy-dense macronutrient group (more energy stored in triglycerides vs. glycogen)
Body can extract energy from dietary fat or fat stored in fat tissue
Adipocytes use hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) to facilitate lipolysis (removing three fatty acids from glycerol backbone)
Glycerol removal from blood
1. Liver converts glycerol to pyruvate or glucose (gluconeogenesis)
2. Fatty acids used for energy
Fatty acid preparation for catabolism
1. Binding to coA (requires 2 ATP) in cytoplasm
2. Pass through outer and inner mitochondrial membranes with help of carnitine
3. Beta-oxidation in mitochondria
1. Fatty acids transported inside mitochondria
2. Beta-oxidation breaks 16C palmitic acid into 2C units (forms 8 molecules of acetyl CoA, 7 NADH, 7 FADH2 (~28 ATP))
Insufficient oxaloacetate
Forms ketone bodies (ketogenesis)
Glycerol (3C chain) can be used to produce ATP or small amounts of glucose
If O2 & CHO are available
Acetyl CoA enters CAC
Lot's of ATP!! & H2O produced (106 ATP from 16C palmitic acid compared to 30-32 ATP from 6C glucose)
Molecule derived from CHO
Ketone bodies
Beta hydroxybutyric
Ketones can be used as energy (heart, muscle, kidney) and can even cross the blood-brain barrier and be used by the brain for half its energy needs (the other half still needs glucose – and it PREFERS GLUCOSE!)