Medical professionals who break any patient privacy or confidentiality laws will be punishedwithdisciplinaryaction or civilpenalties. The severity of the crime decides the punishment for the culprit. If their negligence compromises the patient's confidentiality, they might also be held financiallyaccountable.
A two-party agreement that outlines the conditions under which secure private information can be exchanged and each party's responsibilities for keeping the information private
Act on Data Security (DPA - Data Privacy Act of 2012)
Legislation that establishes guidelines for the protection of personal information and data, including rules for how companies collect, store, use and distribute patient personal information
A method for controlling an organization's collection and use of personal information, and overseeing the dissemination of this knowledge within the organization
The process of obtaining a patient's voluntary permission before undergoing certain medical procedures or treatments, by informing the patient about the risks and advantages
Privacy is a fundamental human right. Every individual has the fundamental right to control access to their personal information and freedom from unwanted surveillance and control.