model of stress to describe and explain individual differences in how people respond to stressors from a psychological perspective.
transactional model of stress and coping?
transaction - exposure to potential stressor (external event)
primary appraisal - is the event positive, negative or neutral. if negative, how bad is it - harm, threat or challenge
secondary appraisal - do I have the resources or skills to deal with the event?
NO? - no resources to cope – then distress occurs
primary appraisal?
outcome – is it irrelevant, good (benign-positive), or stressful?
if it is stressful, evaluate further:
Harm-loss: amount of damage already caused
Threat – expectations for future harm
Challenge – opportunity to achieve growth.●
secondary appraisal?
do I have resources to deal with it?
Internal resources and coping options (e.g. strength and determination)
External resources and coping options (e.g. money, support from family and friends).
strengths and limitations of lazarus and folkman?
Allows one to track the subjectivestress response of an individual.
Allows for consideration of cognitive processes within the stress response
Does not include biological processes of stress
human subjects are not necessarily consciously aware at all stages of appraisal, and therefore there is a lack of empirical evidence to support the model.