
Cards (20)

  • Language

    Uniquely human, even though other species can communicate it is not Language
  • Aspects of human language
    • Arbitrary
    • Generative
  • Arbitrary
    There is no direct link between a word that represents a concept and the actual concept
  • Arbitrary language
    • "Hungry" doesn't actually feel hungry
    • "brown" isn't actually brown
  • Generative
    Every single one of us can state, write, or sing something that no one has ever said before
  • Language structure
    • Phoneme
    • Morpheme
    • Syntax
    • Pragmatics
  • Phoneme
    Smallest unit of sound
  • Morpheme
    Smallest unit of meaning in a language
  • Morpheme
    • Cats - 2 morphemes
  • Syntax
    Structure of language/ arrangement of words within sentences, or their structures
  • Pragmatics
    How context contributes to meaning/ social rules of a language
  • Preposing
    Ability to rearrange a sentence and have it mean the same thing
  • Fundamental products of comprehension and production
    • Speech is continuous
    • A single phoneme will sound different depending on the phonemes around it
  • Broca's aphasia
    Understand but can't produce speech
    Damage to frontal areas of brain
  • Wernicke's aphasia
    Fluent speech, no comprehension
    Damage to temporal lobe in left hemisphere
  • Language in right handed people typically resides in left side of brain
  • Anomia: Difficulty naming objects
  • Alexia: Visual language impairments that affect the ability to read and write.
  • Agraphia: Inability to write
  • Alexia without Agraphia: one can write but cannot read/comprehend what they wrote