Attitudes and values, intellectual and linguistic skills, parental support
Factors contributing to Cultural Deprivation
Inadequate socialization
Lack of parental support
Lack of intellectual and linguistic skills
Bereiter & Engelmann argue that disadvantaged children have language inadequate for educational success
Minority ethnic groups (e.g. black children) lack adequate stimulation and linguistic development due to insufficient socialisation
However, the Swann Report argues that language differences have an impact
The Moynihan Report argues that a black family is headed by lone parent mother have children deprived of adequate care, leading to inadequate socialisation - lack of male role model
Murray argues that high rate of lone parenthood and lack of positive male role models lead to underachievement
Scruton argues that lack of commitment to mainstream British culture leads to failure to embrace mainstream values
Material Deprivation
Lack of physical necessities that are essential
Discrimination in areas such as employment, housing, and healthcare is seen as a key factor in material deprivation
Wood et al - top 100 UK companies with alternating Patel and Evans shows employer is more helpful to ‘white’ name
Racism in wider society, such as in policing, housing, and healthcare, is an impacting factor
The process of attaching a reputation or stereotype to a person
Teachers may label some students as 'ideal' or 'problematic' based on racial stereotypes, leading to self-fulfilling prophecies
Black students are more likely to be disciplined, excluded, or placed in lower sets due to racial stereotyping
Schools may hold ethnocentric views and have an ethnocentric curriculum, disadvantaging minority students
Critical Race Theory argues that racism is deeply rooted in society and therefore inevitable, leading to the marginalisation and segregation of certain groups in education