abnormal brain structures

Cards (6)

  • Schizophrenia
    A mental disorder that affects multiple areas or structures of the brain
  • Enlarged ventricles
    • One of the primary brain structures affected in schizophrenia
    • Fluid-filled spaces in the brain
    • 80% of individuals with schizophrenia have been found to have enlarged ventricles
    • The most frequently reported brain structural change in schizophrenia
  • ao3 - MRI research support (1)
    provides evidence as to abnormal brain structures playing a role in the development of schizophrenia
  • ao3 - MRI research support (2)
    contradictory: evidence of enlarged ventricles occurring in people without schizophrenia and not being present in those with schizophrenia
    reduces reliability as it does not account for all patients or individual differences
  • ao3 - direction of causation (brain structures) (1)
    question as to whether enlarged ventricles are a consequence of suffering from schizophrenia over a long period of time or a cause of it
  • ao3 - direction of causation (brain structures) (2)
    Ho et al. (2003) - longitudinal study - MRIs taken of recent-onset schizophrenics and repeated 3 years later - brain damage/structural changes would worsen over time
    leads to the conclusion that abnormal brain structures could be both a cause and consequence of schizophrenia/the medication used to treat it