Health and Social care values

Cards (3)

  • Promoting equality and diversity.
    >Providing services equally accessible to all.
    >Meeting individual needs- having a person centred approach.
    >In care settings everyone should receive a service of equal quality that meets his or her own personal needs.
    >The group a person belongs to will influence his or her beliefs and behaviour.
    >Accepting service users with different sexual orientations.
  • Promoting individuals rights and beliefs.
    >It is impossible to know all the differences among individual clients.
    >Get to know people they work with.
    >Listen and observe what others say and do.
  • Mantaining confidentiality of information.
    •Keeping personal information from unauthorised people.
    •Not leaving files containing personal information where others can access them.
    •Having passwords that must be used for electronic records.
    •Not gossiping about service users.
    >Why it’s important: