Biological molecules

Cards (27)

  • Elements that make up carbohydrates
    Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
  • Elements that make up lipids
    Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
  • Elements that make up protein
    Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Carbon and Oxygen
  • What is a substrate?
    The molecule upon which an enzyme acts
  • Most common subunit of carbohydrates
  • What are lipids made up of
    Fatty Acids and Glycerol
  • What subunit are proteins made up of
    Amino Acids
  • Disaccharide
    A sugar formed when two simple sugar molecules (monosaccharides) are joined by glycosidic linkage
  • Monosaccharide
    The simplest form of a sugar molecule (i.e. glucose)
  • Enzyme
    A biological catalyst in metabolic reactions
  • Catalyst
    Something that speeds up reactions without being changed themselves
  • Why are enzymes 'specific in their action'?
    They can only break down certain substrates down
  • How does the active site make enzymes specific in their action?
    It has a specific shape, that will only break a certain substrate down
  • Product
    Smaller chains of molecules that have been broken up
  • Anabolic enzymes

    Build up molecules
  • Catabolic enzymes

    Break down molecules
  • What causes enzymes to denature?
    Enzymes have a very specific shape. High temperatures/ pHs above their optimum change the bonds between amino acids in enzymes, changing their shape. This means that substrates will not fit the enzyme's active site.
  • Graph of enzymes rate of reaction against temperature
    Enzymes efficiency increases up to a point, called the optimum temperature. Substrates have more KE, so collide with enzymes often. After this temperature, enzyme efficiency falls rapidly because enzymes denature
  • Average optimum temperature for enzymes in the human body
    37 °C
  • Test for starch
    The food sample is placed on a spotting tile. A few drops of iodine are added, and the colour change is recorder.
  • Iodine goes from ____ to _____ if starch is present
    orangey brown, blue black
  • Test for lipids
    The food sample is added to a test tube. Next ethanol is added, and the test tube is shaken. When distilled water is added, an emulsion will form if fat is present.
  • Ethanol goes from ____ to _____ if fat is present
    clear, cloudy
  • Test for protein
    The food sample is liquidised using a pestle and mortar and added to a test tube. A few drops of Biuret solution are added. The colour change is recorded.
  • Biuret's solution goes from ____ to _____ if protein is present
    blue, purple
  • Test for glucose
    Blue Benedict's solution is added to a test tube. The food sample is added to the test tube, which is added to boiling water for 3 minutes. The colour change is recorded.
  • Blue Benedict's solution goes from ____ to _____ if glucose is present

    blue, green/ yellow/ orange/ brick red