chem topic 8

Cards (19)

  • cracking
    a process of thermal decomposition where the breakdown of long alkane hydrocarbons into a shorter alkene + alkane molecule
  • thermal decomposition
    is where 1 substance w/ v strong covalent bond is broken down into 2+ new + more useful substances by heating. it requires a lot of energy to break the bonds so a catalyst is often used.
  • example of a long alkane in cracking
    bitumen + fuel from fractional distillation of CO
  • example of a smaller alkene + alkane in cracking
    petrol + diesel - more demand for them
    the alkene is also used to make polymers
  • vaporized alkane runs of a powdered catalyst - AlO2 - at high temp + pressure
    alkane cracks on the surface when it comes into contact w/ the catalyst
  • how was the earth's early atmosphere formed
    by gases produced by volcanic activity
  • earth's early atmosphere
    • earth was a hot ball of magma eventually earth cooled + a crust was formed. but volcanic activity released lots of CO2 (+ H2O, NH3, CH4, v little O2)
    • condensation of water vapour --> oceans
  • green plants evolved
    1. ↑N2 - formed NH4 + O2 reacting + denitrifying bacteria releasing it. Not v reactive so wasn't broken down after being made
    2. ↓ CO2 bc dissolved into the oceans + removed by plants in photosynthesis + CO2 locked in fossil fuels + sedimentary rocks
    3. ↑ O2 - released by plants
  • todays atmosphere
    • build up of O2 nearly caused extinction of lots of organisms but lots of organisms evolved to it + used O2.
    • O2 built up the ozone layer which prevented harmful rays entering the earth's atmosphere, allowing more organisms to evolve
    • no CO2 rlly left
  • test for O2
    glowing splint relights
  • how did the amount of CO2 decreased
    • dissolved into the oceans
    • removed by plants in photosynthesis
    • locked in fossil fuels + sedimentary rocks
  • what is the greenhouse effect - good
    • when CO2, CH4, water vapour absorb heat released by the earth
    • they then release energy that keeps the earth warm enough for us to live on
  • how has ↑ population affected levels of CO2
    • human population, ↑ need for energy, ↑ use of fossil fuels, ↑CO2 released.
    • deforestation - to provide land (food + homes) for ↑ human pop, ↓ trees which absorb CO2
  • enhanced greenhouse radiation - (bad)

    where the earth absorbs too much heat radiation and less is re-emitted into space. this cause atmosphere to heat up (climate change)
  • methane
    • a v effective greenhouse gas
    • released from the digestive processes of livestock
    • ↑human pop=↑livestock= ↑methane released
  • global warming
    human activity causing average temperature ↑ bc of the enhanced greenhouse effect
    type of climate change that causes over types of climate change. e.g severe flooding bc melting ice caps
  • historical data
    • tree rings
    • fossils
    • gas bubbles in ice sheets
  • historical data what they r used for and - ives
    used to estimate past CO2 levels as there were no records of it in the past
    they r less pescise then current measurements+↓ representative of global levels then current records r
  • to slow down climate change
    1. fossil fuel usage - ↓ CO2 emissions
    2. gov told us to be more energy efficient+ r researching into more renewable energy sources