
Cards (10)

  • Medicine & Disease: Causes of illness & cures.
  • Surgery: Cutting the body to remove diseased parts.
  • Public Health: Health of the population.
  • Barber Surgeons: Someone who performs procedures such as amputations. They observe urine. Unqualified medieval 'doctors'
  • Anaesthetic: Something, usually a drug, that causes a loss of sensation.
  • Antiseptics: Substances that prevent infection.
  • Monasteries: Where Monks and Nuns live.
    Medieval Hospitals.
  • Inoculation: A way of preventing a person from getting a dangerous form of the disease by giving the person the disease in a controlled way.
  • Industrial Revolution: The transformation of manufacturing from handmade to machine-made goods.
  • Spontaneous Generation: The idea that living things can arise from non-living matter.