Connective Tissue Proper

Cards (19)

  • The looseness or the denseness of the connective tissues refer to the amount of what?
  • Loose (areolar) is located beneath the what?
    epithelial lining
  • cells, fibers, and ground substance in Loose (AREOLAR) is in roughly equal parts
  • What is the MOST NUMEROUS CELLS in loose areolar?
  • What is the predominating protein in Loose (areolar)?
  • What is the location of the deep irregular?
    deep dermis
  • Which type of connective tissue resist STRETCHING and return to original shape?
    Dense Irregular
  • This type have COLLAGEN I as its most abundant component?
    Dense regular
  • Location of dense regular?
    tendons, aponeuroses, and ligaments
  • Dense regular: densely packed with collagen fibers separated by very little ground substances and having very few blood vessels.
  • Dense regular are closely packed in order to take up the WEAR AND TEAR of bodily movements.
  • LABEL:
    A) Dense irregular
  • LABEL:
    A) Dense regular
  • Label:
    A) Loose areolar
  • What is the principal component of FETAL UMBILICAL CORD?
  • Mucoid is also known as what?
    Wharton's jelly
  • Mucoid has an ABUNDANT GROUND SUBSTANCE composed chiefly of what?
  • Mucoid: gelatinous with sparse collagen fibers and scattered fibroblast
  • label:
    A) wharton's jelly