Causes of Disease

Cards (6)

  • Religion
    • If someone lived a sinful life, illness was seen as God's punishment.
    • Widespread sinfulness could lead to plagues.
    • People believed God created plants for healing. Some plants, due to appearance, were believed to heal specific body parts.
  • Bad Smells
    • Disease was linked to bad smells (miasma), especially in towns were more people died.
  • Supernatural
    • Witchcraft and demons were commonly used to explain events.
    • Church's portrayal of of struggle between 'good' and 'evil' reinforced this.
    • God's punishment for sinful actions.
  • Four Humours
    • Illness resulted from humours imbalance.
    • Doctors used charts developed from Hippocrates and Galen's theories, correlating illness with a humour imbalance.
  • Astrology
    • Linked to illness and disease.
    • If alignment of stars was in a strange position it would cause disease.
    • Believed alignment of moon and zodiac signs affected your health.
  • Physicians used this urine chart to diagnose illness and check the balance of humours.