Can be affected by culture, social experiences, personality traits, + individual differences
Aspects such as social anxiety or being forced to be further away than usual (seen during the Covid-19 pandemic with social (physical] distancing) affect our interpersonal distance (personal space) experiences too + this can affect friendships + intimate relationships that people have
Appears to play a role in interpersonal distance (personal space) in humans
People who have lesions in part of their amygdala show quite a dramatic reduction in need for interpersonal distance (personal space) compared to pre-lesion
Increased preferred interpersonal distance (personal space) between a participant + an attractive woman, but only seen in male, monogamous participants when a female experimenter was present + not a male experimenter
If oxytocin increases attention to social cues, it should have widely varying effects on downstream cognition + behaviour, depending no interpersonal context (such as in presence of an attractive woman for men in a relationship), as well as on how an individual perceives social situations + tends to react in different interpersonal settings
For example, 1 person may find a social setting comforting + enjoyable, whereas another may find it intimidating or threatening
Social saliency may therefore have opposite consequences for different individuals
Participants interacted with a computer-visualised protagonist, indicating when they wanted the protagonist to stop to choose a distance at which they felt most comfortable
Participants were asked to choose from several computer-visualised rooms where they would prefer to sit and discuss intimate topics with another participant
The study measured the effects of OT (treatment), empathy (between-subject factor), and conditions (within-subject factors) on interpersonal distance preferences