The Church

Cards (2)

  • Help Medical Progress
    • Christian duty to car for the sick and the poor.
    • Church set up 160 hospitals, many attached to monasteries. Nuns fed the sick and gave them herbal remedies.
    • Church established university schools to train doctors.
    • Monks copied Galen's books. University schools and monasteries helped old medical texts to survive.
    • Crusades came into contact with Muslim doctors, who were more skilled than those in Britain.
  • Hinder Medical Progress
    • Church disapproved of dissection.
    • Church approved Galen's work. Church arrested several physicians for criticising Galen.
    • Church controlled spread of medical writings. If writings didn't fit with views, were banned.
    • Church encouraged people to rely on prayers to saints and God and use superstition to cure disease.
    • No doctors in hospitals, only Priests would pray for the ill. Mass seven times each day.
    • Hospitals relied on charity, funding from Church or wealthy patrons. Usually limited to 12 patients.
    • Controlled training of doctors at Cambridge and Oxford.