Creates through producing conditionedresponse (CR) to a conditionedstimulus (CS)
Learned through association
Association = between unconditionedstimulus (US) and neutralstimulus (NS)
NS ‘gains’ some properties of US
NS now causes same conditionedresponse
Association caused by:
Pairing unconditioned stimulus with neutral stimulus
Either intensively one time
Or repeatedly many times
Timing of pairing is key
Other features of association:
Stimulus generalisation
Extinction occurs if pairing between US and NS ceases
Spontaneousrecovery can occur from a later US-CS pairing (extinguished phobia ≠ phobia gone)
CC Key research: Pavlov
Studied salivation in dogs
Developed concept of classical conditioning
CC Key research: Watson + Rayner
Little Albert study
Evidenced ability to condition, extinguish + re-condition fear
Built on Pavlov
CC A&E point 1: weight of research evidence
Pavlov’s study + Little Albert study
Subjects of experiments shown not to have those responses (salivation/fear) before experimental condition (association due to pairing of NS + CS)
CC A&E point 2: Pavlov and Watson + Rayner’s research not very strong = CC support weakened
Studies done in highly artificial lab conditions = little generalisability beyond the lab
Natural settings = dogs may have been slower to form bell-food association
If Albert’s mother was there in his own home he may have been less distressed
Lowers ecological validity
CC A&E point 3: CC is a fruitful theory that still provides new + useful insights today
Dang, Xiao + Mao2015: Contact Hypothesis -> people of different races (out-group) associated with threatening stimuli = generated association much more difficult to extinguish than association between people of same race (in-group) + threatening stimuli
CC still meaningful + powerful theory today
Shows negative impact on minority groups‘ lives + this evidence-based insight can help mobilise change