Cards (11)

  • EPOC
    Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption
  • Types of recovery from vigorous exercise
    • Cool down
    • Manipulation of diet
    • Massage
    • Ice bath
  • Cool down
    Gradual reduction of workload e.g. light jogging and stretching - maintain an elevated breathing rate / heart rate (EPOC) and ensure good blood flow - prevent blood pacing - reduce lactic acid to prevent DOMS
  • DOMS
    Delayed onset muscle soreness
  • Manipulation of diet
    • Rehydrate and replace fluids lost during exercise
    • Carbohydrate loading increases the intake of complex carbohydrates before endurance sports
    • Simple carbohydrates during and after sports to boost performance and aid recovery
    • Protein is required to provide the body with the nutrients it needs to heal muscle tears quickly and build muscle after exercise
    • Protein will increase hypertrophy
  • Massage
    • Immediately after intense exercise will reduce DOMS
    • Massage will increase blood flow to a sore area, speeding up the recovery/healing process and reducing pains
    • Allows performer to recover quicker from the training
  • Ice bath
    • Flush the lactic acid away from the working muscles
    • Causes the blood vessels to constrict, forcing the lactic acid out
    • Performers will stay in the bath for between 5-20 minutes
    • Out of the bath, vessels will vasodilate and bring fresh, oxygenated blood to the muscles
    • Assist in preventing DOMS and reducing swelling
  • How quicker recovery can help an athlete improve
    More frequent training
  • Immediate effects of exercise
    • Sweat
    • Skin reddens
    • Increased heart rate
    • Hotter body temperature
    • Breathe more frequently and deeply
  • Short-term effects of exercise
    • Muscle cramps
    • DOMS
    • Very tired
    • Possibly fatigued
    • Light-headed
    • Nauseous
    • Muscle ache
  • Long-term effects of exercise
    • Bradycardia: resting heart rate decreases
    • Body changes shape: exercise helps keep body weight down
    • Improvements in specific components of fitness e.g. increased strength, muscular endurance, speed etc
    • Stamina (ability to exercise for longer) will improve
    • Muscles will increase in size: hypertrophy
    • Heart will increase in size: hypertrophy so cardiac output increases