drug therapy

Cards (5)

  • Typical antipsychotics (first gen) - chlorpromazine
    Dopamine antagonists - reduce dopamine activity by blocking dopamine receptors at the synapse
    This reduces positive symptoms of schizophrenia such as hallucinations and has a calming/sedative effect
  • Atypical antipsychotics (second gen) - clozapine, risperidone
    Block dopamine receptors and also act on other neurotransmitters such as serotonin
    Also addresses the negative symptoms of schizophrenia e.g., avolition, speech poverty
  • Typical antipsychotics - side effects

    involuntary muscle control (tardive dyskinesia), lethargy, confusion, dry mouth, constipation
  • Atypical antipsychotics - side effects

    weight gain, cardio-vascular problems, agranulocytosis (autoimmune disorder affecting white blood cells)
  • ao3 - Thornley et al. (2003)

    compared chlorpromazine to placebo - 13 trials with over 1000 patients
    chlorpromazine associated with better functioning and reduced symptom severity