piagets stages

Cards (16)

  • Piaget's stages of cognitive development
    • Sensorimotor stage (0-2 years)
    • Preoperational stage (2-7 years)
    • Concrete operational stage (7-11 years)
    • Formal operational stage (11+ years)
    1. Sensorimotor stage (0-2 years)

    • Object permanence at 9 months
  • 2. Preoperational stage (2-7 years)
    • Egocentrism (own perspective)
    • Class inclusion (e.g. dogs are animals)
    • Conservation (quantity is the same even when appearance changes)
  • Conservation concept development
    1. Questioning by adults
    2. Naughty teddy study
    3. 3 mountains task didn't make sense to them
  • 3. Concrete operational stage (7-11 years)

    • Think logically, not abstractly
    • Can conserve, class include
    • No longer egocentric
    • Cannot do algebra
  • 4. Formal operational stage (11+ years)

    • Think abstractly
    • Form and test hypotheses
    • Piaget's - stages are universal and happen sequentially, one after another
  • weakness
    Children can learn class inclusion if they are properly taught
  • weakness
    • leading questions by adults
    • naughty teddy study
  • weakness

    • 3 mountains task didn't make sense to them
    • police man - doesn't tell us anything about perspective taking
  • strength
    application to teaching
    • Teach class inclusion
    • Develop conservation through experiments
    • Encourage play & perspective taking
  • object permanence
    ability to know that an object still exists even if we cannot see it (8 months)
  • egocentrism
    view the world from only their perspective
  • class inclusion
    a group of objects can form a class but this same group can be a subset of an even larger group
  • conservation
    quantity of an object remains the same even when its appearance changes
  • weakness
    flawed methodology
    • McGarrigle & Donaldson's naughty teddy study
    • 60% of 6 year olds compared to Piagets 16%
    • no manipulation by adults
    • Piaget underestimated children's cognitive ability
  • weakness
    conflicting evidence
    • Hughes had 4 year-olds position a doll where 2 policemen couldn't see 90% of the time
    • pre-conventional children can perspective take when they fully understand the task
    • original methods may have confused the kids