mirror neurons

Cards (11)

  • what are they?
    fire in response to other peoples actions / feelings
    • yawing, pain, movement - empathy
  • what do they do?
    vital in the development of modern humans
    • observational learning and empathy
  • strength
    pars opercarlaris - mouras (2008)
    • ppts watch adult films
    • higher activation in PO when they were more aroused
    • important in perspective taking actions and emotions
  • weakness
    to truly examine MN we must use electrodes but we can't use them on humans
    • issues with extrapolating data
    • use brains scans
  • discovery of mirror neuron
    • accidental
    • mirror motor activity of another individual (e.g. yawning)
  • mirror neurons and intention
    Goldman (1998)
    • Link between motor neurons and intentions of others as we simulate their actions
  • mirror neurons and autsim
    • 'broken mirror neuron hypothesis' (faulty system) results in inability to understand intentions and emotions of others
    • leads to problems in social communication
  • strength
    supporting evidence
    • Hacker (2012) high levels of broadmanns area (rich in neurons) when watching videos of yawning (contagious)
  • strength
    support link with autism
    those with autism have a smaller pars opercularis compared to neurotypical
    • lower levels of activity in area rich with mirror neurons
  • weakness
    limited application
    • animal studies implant electrodes into heads
    • not ethical and cannot be applied to humans
  • mirror neurons and perspective taking

    as we can simulate others' intentions, the same info could help us interpret others' thoughts and feelings