formation of attatchments study

Cards (8)

  • who carried out the glasgow baby study?

    schaffer and emerson
  • method
    60 babies from glasgow (working class families)
    -visited at home every month for the first year and then again at 18 months
    -they asked the mothers questions about how the babies acted in everyday separations to measure separation anxiety and attatchment
    -they also assessed stranger anxiety
  • findings
    -between 25-32 weeks 50% showed signs of separation anxiety towards a specific attatchment (person who shows reciprocity, not who spend the most time with them)
    -by 10 months 80% has a specific attatchment and 30% has multiple attatchments (after a specific attatchment)
  • AO3 - ecological validity
    -in own home
    -observation done by parents mostly
    -ordinary activities
    =behaviour unlikely to be affected by the presence of strangers
    :( could lie due to social desirability factors
  • AO3 - longitudinal design
    -can see development
    -minimised individual differences (noticeable and can account for)
    :( would be quicker to do a cross sectional design
    :( people could drop out
  • whats a cross sectional design
    different kids at different ages
  • AO3 - sample
    :) large volume of data collected
    :( population validity - same social class and city
    :( temporal validity - 50 years ago
    = child rearing processes vary throughout history and cultures
  • AO3 - 4 stages
    lead to the formulation of the 4 stage theory to characterise infants attatchments