peterson and peterson 1959

Cards (8)

  • aim
    to investigate duration of short term memory
  • a lab experiment was conducted in which 24 participants (psychology students) had to recall trigrams (meaningless three consonant syllables)
  • brown peterson techniques
    to prevent rehearsal participants were asked to count backwards in threes or fours from specified number until they saw red light appear
  • participants were asked to recall trigrams after intervals of 3, 6,9, 12, 15 or 18 seconds
  • findings
    the longer the interval delay, the less trigrams recalled
  • findings
    participants were able to recall 80% of trigrams after a 3 second delay. after 18 seconds less than 10% of trigrams recalled correctly
  • conclusion
    stm has limited duration when rehearsal is prevented. it is thought that information is lost from short term memory from trace decay
  • the results of study show stm is different from ltm in terms of duration, thus supporting the multi store model