Cards (17)

  • What is a smart material
    smart materials are materials that react to changes in their environment and once the stimulus is removed, the material returns to its originals state
  • Examples of smart materials
    • Shape memory alloys
    • Quantum tunnelling composite
    • polymorph
    • photochromic pigement
    • thermochromic pigment
    • micro encapsulation
    • biomimetrics
    • Electroluminesecent
  • Electroluminescent material

    materials that provide light when exposed to current
  • Electroluminescent wire
    A thin copper wire coated in a phosphor which glows when an alternating current is applied to it.
  • Photochromic pigment

    a pigment or dye that changes colour in response in a change of light
  • Example of photochromic pigment

    an example is sunglasses that can change colour in response to UV radiation
  • Thermochromic pigment
    a smart material which changes colour in response in a change in heat
  • Quantum Tunnelling Composite

    a flexible polymers that contain conductive nickel particles that can be either a conductor of electrcity or an insulator
    when force is applied to the particles it leads to increase in conductivity and when it is removed it becomes an insulator
  • Shape memory alloys
    when these alloys are deformed when they are heated, they return to their original shape
  • Shape memory alloys uses
    Medical fastenings use in bone fractures to join two bones back together
  • Polymorph
    a thermoforming polymer is supplied in granular form
    when heated in water to 62 degrees celcius it softens and forms a pliable volume of material
    it can then be molded and shaped and solidifies when cooled
    if reheated in water it becomes pliable again
  • Micro-encapsulation
    process of applying micropscopic capsules to fibres fabrics paper and card
    the capsules can contain vitamins,therapeutic oils , moisturisers,antiseptics and anti-bacterial chemicals which are relased through fricton
  • Biomimetics
    biommicry is when inspiration from new materials, structure or products come from the natural world
  • Example of biomimicry
    Fastskin developed by speedo, mimics the shark sandpaper like skin which reduces drag in water.It enhances peformance in swim wear
  • Explain why electroluminescent films are beginning to replace traditional LCD
    (Liquid Crystal Display) screens in products such as calculators.

    Electroluminsecent films are replace LCd displays because they are flexible and do not generate heat.
  • Using an example of a named fabric, describe the basic principles of biomimicry.
    Biomimicry is where inspiration is taken from the natural environment to create new materials .An example is Fast skin which mimics the aerodynamics of shark skin.
  • Explain how electroluminescent films work
    A light emitting phosphor is sandiwched between a pair of conductive electrodes subjected to an ac current to create light.
    The brightness of the material depends on the voltage applied