Cards (6)

  • methodological issues with peterson and petson's study
    experiment is scientific and well controlled allowing establish cause and effect (variation in time caused lower recall), however the artificial nature of the task means it has low ecological validity
  • methodological issues with peterson and petson's study
    people do not try to recall meaningless trigrams in real life, information we try and recall often has meaning and emotional value
  • high ecological validity

    bahrick tested information about the participants’ own lives, the stimuli were likely to be meaningful and relevant to the participants. 
  • high ecological validity

    this means that the results are more likely to generalise to how people usually store and retrieve information in their everyday lives
  • bahrick couldn't control extraneous variables

    couldn’t control how long each participant spent with their exclassmates when they were at school also had no idea how much the participants liked their exclassmates
  • bahrick couldn't control extraneous variables

    this could of affected the validity of his results