are methods used by field investigators from the social and behavioral sciences in the collection, management, analysis and presentation of data about human thought and/or human behavior in the natural world.
Field Methods
The data can be qualitative or quantitative, as can the methods for analysis and presentation.
Why Research?
To learn something and increase our understanding.
To gather evidence, information and knowledge needed for problem solving and making decisions.
To challenge the existing knowledge.
What is Research?
The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
Research is finding out what you don't already know. No one knows everything, but everybody knows something.
Check current theories and existing knowledge. Research Challenges the status quo.
Research corrects our misconceptions and refute things we dearly hold as truth
Qualitative Research
descriptive statements
Stat analysis is harder
Interviews, written documents, observations
Quantitative Research
can be measured and expressed numerically
stat analysis is easier
surveys, observations, experiments, and interviews