Cards (23)

  • Survey Method
    • Is a data collection tool used to gather information about individuals (e.g., demographic information about characteristics such as sex, religion, ethnicity, and income).
  • Survey Method
    • It may focus on factual information about individuals, or it might aim to obtain the opinions of the survey takers.
  • Survey Method
    • It can collect information on experiences, opinions, and even hypothetical scenarios.
  • Survey Method
    • It can be used in both quantitative and qualitative studies.
    1. Descriptive Questions
    • “What percentage of practicing nurses support the provision of hospital abortion services?”
  • 2. Questions about the relationship between variables
    • “Is there a positive association between endorsement of hospital abortion services and support for implementing hospice care among nurses?”
  • 3. Questions about predictive relationships between variables over time
    • “Does time 1 endorsement of support for hospital abortion services predict greater time 2 burnout in nurses?
  • Purposes of Survey Method
    • Describing certain aspects or characteristics of population
    • Testing hypothesis about nature of relationships within a population.
  • Advantages
    • collect a large amount of data in a short time
    • less expensive
    • quick and easy
    • collect broad information
  • Disadvantages
    • nonresponse bias
    • poorly designed
    • limited answer
    • social desirability bias
  • Characteristics of a survey
    1. Sample and Sample Determination
    2. Survey Questions
    3. Survey Methods
    4. Survey Data Collection
    5. Survey Data Analysis
  • Types of sampling
    1. Probability Sampling
    2. Non-probability Sampling
  • Probability Sampling
    • is a sampling method where the respondent is selected based on the theory of probability. The major characterisitic of this method is that each individal in a population has an equal chance
  • Non-probability Sampling
    • is a sampling method where the researcher selects a sample respondents purely based on their discretion or gut. There is no predefined selection method.
  • 2. Survey Questions
    Characteristics of Survey Questions:
    • Data Collection
    • Fundamental levels of measurement scales a. Nominal b. Ordinal c. Interval d. Ratio
    • Use of different question types
    • Administering the survey
  • Survey Methods (Based on Design)
    1. Cross-sectional studies
    2. Longitudinal studies
    1. Cross-sectional studies
    • is an observational research type that analyzes data of variables collected at one given point of time across a sample population
  • 2. Longitudinal studies
    • is an observational study employing continuous or repeated measures to follow particular individuals over a prolonged period, often years or decades
  • 3. Correlation studies
    • is a non-experimental type of research design where two distinct variables are studied
  • Survey Methods (Based on Distribution)
    1. Email
    2. Buy respondents
    3. Embedding on the website
    4. Post to the social network
    5. QR code
    6. SMS
  • Survey Data Collection
    1. Online
    2. Telephone
    3. Face-to-Face
    4. Paper or print
  • Survey Data Analysis
    1. Cross-tabulation
    2. Trend Analysis
    3. MaxDiff Analysis
    4. Conjoint Analysis
    5. TURF Analysis
    6. Gap Analysis
    7. SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis
    8. Text Analysis
  • How to create a survey with a good design?
    ● Define objective/s
    ● The number of questions
    ● Finalize a target audience
    ● Simple language
    ● Question types
    ● Consistent scales
    ● Survey logic