Current, Potential Difference and Resistance

Cards (25)

  • Cell
    • +

  • Battery
    • +


  • Voltmeter
    • V
  • Ammeter
    • A
  • Resistor

  • Thermistor

  • Variable resistor

  • Electric current
    The flow of electrical charge
  • Equation linking charge, current and time
    Q = I t
    Charge (Coulombs), Current (Amperes), Time (Seconds)
  • Current is the same at all points in a closed loop
  • Factors current in a circuit depends on
    1. Potential Difference (V)
    2. Resistance (R)
  • Equation to calculate potential difference
    V = I R
    Potential Difference (V), Current (A), Resistance (Ω)
  • Ohmic Conductor
    A conductor for which current and potential difference are directly proportional
    Resistance remains constant as current changes
    Temperature must be constant
  • Components with non-constant resistance
    • Lamps
    Light Dependant Resistors (LDRs)
  • Resistance of a filament lamp as temperature increases
    Resistance increases
    Ions in metal have more energy, so vibrate more, causing more collisions with electrons as they flow through the metal, creating greater resistance to current flow
  • Current flow through a diode
    The current only flows in one direction
    Resistance is very high in the other direction, preventing current flow
  • Resistance of a thermistor as temperature increases
    The thermistor's resistance decreases
  • Uses of a thermistor
    • In a thermostat to turn a heater on below a certain temperature
    In a freezer to turn on a cooler when the temperature becomes too high
  • Resistance of a LDR as light intensity decreases
    The LDR's resistance increases
  • Application of a LDR
    • Street lights often use LDRs
    When light levels become too low, the light gains sufficient current to turn on