Required practical food tests

Cards (9)

  • Aim of the practical
    Describe how to carry out chemical tests for carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.
  • Method for preparing food sample summarised
    1) Mortar and pestle
    2) Beaker and distilled water
    3) Filter the solution
  • 1) Mortar and pestle
    Take the food sample and grind with distilled water using a mortar and pestle to make a paste.
  • 2) Beaker and distilled water
    Transfer the paste to beaker and add more distilled water. Stir so chemicals in the food dissolve in the water.
  • 3) Filter the solution
    Filter the solution to remove suspended food particles.
  • What is the test for starch?

    If starch is present, iodine solution will turn blue-black.
  • What is the test for reducing sugars?

    If reducing sugars are present, the Benedict's will turn from blue to green, yellow or red.
  • What is the test for protein?

    If proteins are present, the biuret solution turns from blue to purple.
  • What is the test for lipids/fats?

    If lipids are present, a white cloudy emulsion forms.