Gen Bio 2

Cards (187)

  • Main parts of a plant: roots, leaves, stem, flower
  • shoot system - above the ground system (stems and leaves)
  • root system - underground system (roots)
  • responsible for the transport in plants
  • xylem is responsible for water transportation from root to shoot
  • xylem transport water and minerals in an upward direction from the roots to the leaves
  • xylem consists of vessel elements, tracheids, and parenchyma cells
  • Vessel element - wide, thin wallowed, hollow cells; dead at maturity
  • Tracheids - narrower, tapered cells, thinner; have pits at ends which allow water transport
  • Water is still "collected" by the roots at night, when transpiration is not occurring as much
  • root pressure - upward push of xylem sap
  • guttation - exuding water from leaf margin, not through stomata
  • Osmosis - movement of water through the roots
  • Cappilary action - tendency of a liquid to move up against gravity when confined within a capillary (a narrow tube).
  • 3 properties of water:
    1. Surface tension
    2. Adhesion
    3. Cohesion
  • Cohesion tension hypothesis - pulls water up the xylem
  • Phloem -  transports sugars made by the leaves and other items to the rest of the plant (bidirectional)
  • Components of phloem:
    1. Sieve-tube elements
    2. Companion cells
  • Sieve tube elements - maintain cells and transport necessary molecules with the help of companion cells
  • Sugar source - an organ where sugar is being produced usually in leaves
  • Sugar sink - consumes or stores sugar usually in roots, growing stems, buds, and fruits
  • Pressure is created at source as sugar is produced
  • Pressure decreases in sink as sugar is used
  • vascular tissue -  is arranged into bundles of xylem and phloem that are scattered throughout the ground tissue.
  • dicot - arranged in a ring-like fashion
  • monocot - scattered bundles
  • Macronutrients from air and water: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
  • Macronutrients from soil: nitrogen, phosporus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium
  • Micronutrients: boron, chloride, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, zinc
  • Nitrogen - affects leaf growth and growth development for healthy green foliage
  • Phosphorus - improves the roots, stems, flowers, and fruits
  • Potassium - promotes photosynthesis and improves plant resistance
  • Plant hormones (phytohormones) - organic substances that regulate plant growth and development
  • Growth promoters:
    1. Auxin
    2. Cytokinin (CK)
    3. Gibberellins (GA)
    4. Salicylic acid (SA)
  • Growth inhibitors:
    1. Abscisic acid (ABA)
    2. Brassinosteroids (BR)
    3. Ethylene (ET)
    4. Jasmonic acid (JA)
    • Auxin promotes cell growth and elongation of the plant
    • Cytokinin (CK) - promotes seed development, cell expansion, cell differentiation, and N assimilation
  • Gibberellins (GA) stimulate cell elongation and response to nutritional limitation
  • Salicylic acid (SA) - defense against a variety of biotic and abiotic stresses; inhibits seed germination
    • Abscisic acid (ABA) - regulates plant growth, development, and stress responses