Cards (26)

  • External canal is normally clear with minimal cerumen.
  • Tympanic membrane is normally gray in color and intact.
  • Hold the helix of the ear and gently pull the pinna upward and back toward the occiput to straighten the external canal.
  • Rinne Test (Normal): Air > Bone
  • Conductive: Bone > Air
  • The examiner stands at arm's length (0.6 m) behind the patient (to prevent lip reading).
  • Whisper 2 - syllable words.
  • A patient with normal hearing can hear a whispered word from approximately arm's length and a watch from 30 cm (12 inches).
  • WEBER TEST: Test for lateralization of vibration.
  • RINNE TEST: Compares air and bone conduction.
  • Place vibrating tuning fork on the mastoid process behind the ear and have the patient tell you when the vibration stops.
  • Then quickly hold the vibrating end of the tuning fork near the opening of the ear canal (2 inches away) and ask if the patient can hear it.
  • Normally, sound should be heard after vibration can no longer be fell, that is, air conduction (AC) is better than bone conduction (BC).
  • Otalgia: earache.
  • Otorrhea: ear discharge.
  • Presbycusis: hearing loss due to old age.
  • Tinnitus: Is ringing of the ears.
  • Vertigo: Feels like room spins or the person feels like he/ she spins.
  • Microtia: Small ears; smaller than 4 cm. vertically.
  • Macrotia: Large ears; larger than 10 cm. vertically.
  • Impacted cerumen: Hardened ear wax.
  • Otitis Media: Infection of the middle ear.
  • Otitis Externa: Infection of the external ear.
  • External canal: with an otoscope, inspect the canal for discharge, impacted cerumen, inflammation, masses, or foreign bodies.
  • Pinna: examine for size, shape, color, lesions, and masses.
  • Tympanic membrane: examine for color, luster, shape, position, transparency, integrity and scarring.