Locus of Control

Cards (5)

  • What is locus of control?
    A personality dimension that shows the extent to which people think they have control over their lives
  • What does an internal LoC mean?
    People feel they have control over their life and behaviour
  • What is an external Loc?
    A person feels they do not have control over their own lives and one thing turns out in a certain way no matter what
  • How does LoC affect conformity?
    Avtigs (1998) - meta-analysis of LoC shows individuals with an internal LoC were less likely to conform
  • How does LoC affect obedience?
    Holland (1967) - no relationship between LoC and obedience
    Blacs (1991) - reanalysed Holland study and found individuals with an internal LoC were more able to resist obedience