Cards (22)

  • Wear gloves when examining mouth and throat
  • o   Teeth: number, arrangement, general condition
  • o   Buccal mucosa: for discoloration, vesicles, ulcers, masses.
  • o   Gums: for color, texture, discharge, swelling or retraction
  • o   Pharynx: for inflammation, exudates and masses.
  • o   Tongue: (ask the patient to protrude the tongue) for size, color thickness, lesions, moisture, symmetry, deviations from midline, fasciculations.
  • o   Salivary glands: for patency (parotid glands, sublingual and submaxillary glands).
  • o   Uvula: for symmetry when patient says "ah"
  • o   Tonsils: for size, ulceration, exudates, inflammation
  • o   Voice: for hoarseness
  • NORMAL FINDINGS: Entire oral cavity should be pink and without ulcers, deep - red color, lesions, palpable masses, or swelling. An indurated mass raises the suspicion of malignancy.
  • Dysphagia: Difficulty swallowing.
  • Erostomia: Dry mouth.
  • Cheilitis: Cracking at the corners of the lips:
  • Plaque: Soft debris in the teeth.
  • Caries:  Tooth decay
  • Gingivitis: Inflammation of the gums.
  • Malocclusion: Upper and lower dental arches are not in alignment.
  • Leukoplakia: Chalky, white, thick, raise patch with well. — defines borders usually on the lateral edges of the tongue.
  • Tonsilitis: Inflammation of the tonsils.
  • Pharyngitis: Inflammation of the pharynx.
  • Stomatitis: Dry, sore, mucous membrane of the mouth.