rise of hitler

Cards (48)

  • Enabling Act - 1933
    Gave Hitler sole power for 4 years
    passed with 2/3rd of the vote
    votes were forced in favor
  • 1920 German workers party outlines their 25 point program, includes autarky, abolishing treaty of Versailles and Fuhrer
  • 1925 the SS created to intimidate people into supporting Hitler
  • Hindenburg becomes president of Germany 1925
  • wall street crash 1929 - USA recalled their loans and unemployment in Germany reaches 2.5 million
  • 1930 Nazis win 107 seats
  • June 1932 

    Von Papen becomes chancellor and rules by emergency decree
  • july 1932
    nazis win 230 seats
  • November 1932
    Nazis win 196 seats
  • December 1932

    Von papen lost support and was replaced by Von Schleicher
  • Von Papen convinced Hindenburg to make Hitler Chancellor and himself vice chancellor
    Hindenburg agrees and Von Schleicher is removed from power
  • Hitler made chancellor January 30th 1933
  • july 1930

    Bruning is chancellor and cuts unemployment pay, he did not have support so Article 48 was used
    people were annoyed and turned to Nazis or communism
    Hindenburg dismissed Burning and replaced him with Von papen
  • unemployment reaches 6 million in January 1933
  • Reichtag fire Feb 1933

    arson attack on Government building used by Nazis to claim communists were a huge threat
    led to the Reichstag fire decree
  • Reichstag fire decree 1933
    suspended most civil liberties including freedom of press and expression
  • Editors law 1933
    the regime required editors to not publish anything critical and banned Jews from working in publication
  • 1933 boycott of Jewish businesses, Jews banned from public places and government jobs
  • concordant 1933 July

    Church and Hitler signed agreement to say out of each others affairs
  • opposition parties banned 1933
  • Night of long knives 1934
    SA members wanted Hitler to carry out the socialist agenda and military general Rohm wanted SA in charge of army
    Hitler saw this as a threat and SS killed 400 SA members including Rohm
    this is a turning point in consolidation of power and elimination of power
  • August 1934 Hindenburg died -
    Hitler declared himself jointly president, chancellor and head of the army
  • Nuremberg laws 1935

    Jews no longer have German citizenship
    Jews have no political or civil rights
    marriage between Jews and Germans outlawed
  • 1936 Jews banned from being doctors
  • 1938 Jews have to carry ID cards and wear a yellow star
  • August 1938 Kristalnacht 

    20,000 Jews sent to concentration camps
    Jewish businesses houses and synagogues destroyed
  • 1933 women banned from professional work
  • abortion and contraception banned 1933
  • Jews banned from schools 1938
  • youth groups made mandatory 1936
  • catholic schools shut down 1939
  • 1934 Reich church set up and mein kampf replaced the bible
  • 1934 confessors church set up as opposition to the Reich church
    800 pastors sent to concentration camps
  • Niemolloer
    formed the confessors church and was sent to a concentration camp
  • 1933 'sterilization law'
    400,000 disabled people sterilized by 1939
  • Goering 1936 - 4 year plan 

    be ready for war
    reduce unemployment
    increase standard of living
  • Goering 1936 - was his plan successful

    1939 1/4 of Germans employed in arms
    income rose 50% between 1933 & 1939
  • speer becomes minister of Armaments and production 1942

    he ensured all civilian goods were stopped and factories only made goods that would help the war
  • military expenditure doubled between 1939 and 41
    arms production took nearly 7 years to increase
  • Schacht minister of economy 1934