rs- christian practices

Cards (28)

  • Quotes about pilgrimage
    "Where two or more are gathered in my name, I am there with them."

    "As I raised my head to look at the grotto, I saw a lady dressed in white..." (st Bernadette describing her first vision of the Virgin Mary)
  • Quotes about festivals (Christmas and Easter)
    "You shall not make idols" - 10 commandments

    "When two or more are gathered in my name, I am there amongst them."

    "Christ is risen from the dead" (Catholic midnight mass during Xmas)
  • Quotes about the church in the local community (street pastors, food banks, Salvation Army)
    "Faith by itself if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."

    "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink."

    "Love thy neighbour"
  • Quotes about the worldwide church and poverty
    "For if, while we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life." (Romans)

    "Love thy neighbour"
  • List the advantages and disadvantages for both liturgical and non-liturgical worship.

    ADV: familiarity (all around the world), join in with ease, sense of community, know what to expect, has a priest , upholds historical prayers/readings, based on scripture. (Word of God proclaimed - all from the scripture). tradition, follows liturgical calendar.
    DISADVANTAGE: may be repetitive


    ADV: comes from the person leadings own words and personal style (extemporary prayers), genuine, spontaneous, free choice within structure, sermon doesn't have to stick to liturgical calendar. Relaxed atmosphere, free flowing, music and dance. Formal training not required.
  • Name 3 things worship may involve
    -Bible readings
  • List the 7 sacraments and the inward spiritual grace you would receive
    -Baptism (receiving the Holy Spirit, removal of original sin)
    -Eucharist (spiritual feeding with the body and blood of Christ)
    -Confirmation (sealing the gifts of the Holy Spirit, becoming an 'adult' member of the church)
    -Reconciliation (the forgiveness of sins, rebuilding of bonds)
    -Ordination (becoming a priest)
  • infant vs believer's baptism
    Infant : (in a font with holy water / oil / water poured on forehead)

    -remove original sin
    -Welcomed into the church
    -part of tradition
    -enables child to receive the other sacraments
    -The child will receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are essential to spiritual growth

    Believers : (total immersion in water)

    -Old enough to know what you were doing, and be fully committed to the decision
    -Jesus was baptised as an adult
    -Many infants who have been baptised, do not go to church again, or keep up with their faith
    -The babies do not get to choose their religion, may not be the right one whereas believers have the choice.
  • Why do Christian's get baptised?
    Jesus was baptised by John and during the baptism he experienced the Holy Spirit entering his life and heard God's assurance that he was the son of God.

    To clean original sin

    Mirrors Jesus' actions during life (going into water represents the death of the old life and coming out is the resurrection and rebirth into eternal life)

    Person will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit

    It is the rite of initiation, making it possible to receive other sacraments later.
  • What is the word for the body and blood of Jesus present within the bread and wine but spiritually?

    Consubstantiation (Anglican church)
  • Which denomination does the priest enter through Royal doors to celebrate the Eucharist?
  • Suggest two similarities about two Christian churches practices of holy communion
    Reading extract about the last supper (orthodox and Catholics)
  • What is the significance of the Eucharist for Christians?

    Some celebrate, daily/weekly, other celebrate, monthly, or less, because they want to uphold its importance. The worshipper is united with Christ. hopes to know God sacrifice, and Jesus commanded his disciples to partake in the Eucharist as a sign of remembrance. ("do this in remembrance of me.")
  • Why do some Christians think pilgrimages are unimportant?
    -The may be costly - shows poor stewardship
    -Not necessary as you can gain spiritual growth through going to church
    -Any "healing" may be temporary
  • What do pilgrims do in Lourdes?
    Pilgrims take part in processions with candles and services (Rosary and Mass)

    touch the walls of the grotto

    drink/ bathe in the water and take Lourdes water home with them.
  • What do pilgrims do in Iona?
    spend time reading the bible, reflecting, and meditating or possibly taking part in workshops.

    Peaceful, tranquil walks in the footsteps of saint columba


    Visit sacred sites

    See the book of Kells
  • The background of Lourdes
    In the south of France, Saint Bernadette with friend in the grotto, she received 18 visions.
    Virgin Mary appeared, and told her to dig away at the spring
    Soon after a friend put her dislocated arm into the water, and it healed.

    Since the first cure in 1858, there has been 72 confirmed miracles.
    All claims of miracles, undergo a rigourous and like the assessment by panel of medical experts.
  • The background of Iona
    Small island of the West Coast of Scotland.
    Saint Columba - Irish monk - was given Iona to build a monastery.
    Many came on pilgrimages there.
    The book of Kells (an illuminated manuscript of the gospel handwritten by monks) was produced there.

    Ecumenical community - for all Christian denominations
  • Has Christmas lost its meaning?
    -children given christingles to understand the meaning of Christmas better (candle: Christ the light of the world, four sticks: four seasons, fruits: God's gifts to the world, orange: the world, ribbon: blood shed by Jesus to save the world)
    -nativity scenes

    -commercialisation (eg Coca Cola)
    -Santa claus
    -food, greed, gluttony
    -secular society
    -overly focussed on presents
    -advent calendars
  • Has Easter lost its meaning?
    -no longer about the resurrection
    -Easter bunny (greed and gluttony)
    -Easter eggs (chocolate)

    NO :
    -Easter vigils (group pray together in a church)
    -paschal candle lit in church
    -boiled and dyed Easter eggs in Europe traditional custom - eggs symbolises new life and boulder of Jesus' tomb
  • What is the role of the church in the local community
    -provide education and hospitality for travellers
    - Services such as baptism, confirmations, marriages and funerals will be held in a Church
    - Lots of churches have an attached "church hall" and this may be used for a variety of activities, including refreshments for Sunday service, coffee mornings for the elderly etc
  • Why do Christian's need to help in the local community?
    In the parable of the sheep and the goats, Jesus told his disciples that whatever they failed to do for someone, however, insignificant the deed, they failed to do it for him (Jesus). This encourages a sense of helping others and going out in the community to help.
  • Food banks
    This relates to Christian charities collecting donated food to distribute to the poor in Britain. For example the Trussell trust sell Christmas crackers and give out food. They teach churches and communities how to set up other food banks in their area.


    SALVATION ARMY: (church denomination)

    -Toy distribution at Christmas
    -Soup kitchens and hostels for the homeless
    -giving out advice
    -Working with prisoners/drug addict
  • How do Christians evangelise? (Church army)
    "We believe in social action"

    -preaching the gospel
    -Bible teachings
    -open air gatherings
    -give out faith pictures
    -set up youth clubs
    -on the media (eg GodTV)
  • What is the "Fresh expressions of church"
    The COE came up with the term which describes new churches that are different in approach from other churches, because they are intended for a different group of people.

    "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men"
  • What is evangelism?
    Preaching of the gospel to others with the intention of converting others to the Christian faith. Spreading the good news because Jesus commanded Christian's to do so.

    "Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation"
  • Community of the Cross of Nails
    Based in Coventry Cathedral. The community showed forgiveness to those who bombed the cathedral during WWII and works with partners in other countries to bring peace.

    Made from the ruins of two charred beams which had fallen in the shape of a cross. The cross of nails is a symbol of hope, peace, forgiveness and friendship.

    After the war, they gave a Cross of Nails to Berlin.
  • Why do charities like Christian aid and Tearfund respond to those in need?
    "Clothe yourself with compassion"