The combination of the probability of an event and its consequences
The perceived extent of possible loss
Peter Drucker: 'Uncertainty cannot be entirely eliminated and wherever there is uncertainty there is risk'
Sources of Risk
Uncertainty in financial markets
Legal liabilities
Credit risk
Natural causesanddisasters
Deliberate attacksfrom an adversary
Business Risk
A condition involving exposure to events that would have an adverse impact on a company's objective
Business Risk
A combination of the likelihood of an event occurring and the magnitude of its consequences
Cost of Risk
Outlays to reduce risks
The opportunity cost of activities forgone due to risk considerations
Expenses of strategies to finance potential losses
The cost of reimbursed losses
Business Risk Portfolio
The full range of risks faced by today's companies that have potential to affect the triple bottom line
Scope of Business Risk
Strategic Risk
Financial Risk
Operational Risk
Commercial Risk
Technical Risk
Strategic Risk
The risk of planning failure, including poor marketing strategy, poor acquisition strategy, unexpected changes in consumer behavior, political and regulatory change
Financial Risk
The risk of failure of financial control, including treasury operations, lack of counterparty and credit assessment, fraud and its control, systematic failure, poor receivables and inventory management
Operational Risk
The risk of human actions, either willful or by omission, including system mistakes, unsafe practices, willful destruction
Commercial Risk
The risk of business interruption, including loss of key personnel, supplier failure, legal issues and compliance
Technical Risk
The risk of failure of physical assets, including equipment failure, infrastructure breakdown, fire and physical impact, explosion and/or sabotage, pollution, natural events
Types of Risk
Pure Risk
Speculative Risk
Pure Risk
Exists when there is uncertainty as to whether loss will occur, with no possibility of gain - only potential for loss
Pure Risk
Uncertainty of damage to property by fire or flood or the premature death caused by accident or illness
Speculative Risk
Exists when there is uncertainty about an event that could produce either a profit or loss
Speculative Risk
Business ventures and gambling transactions
Static Risk
Stems from an unchanging society in stable equilibrium
Static Risk
Uncertainties due to such random events as lightning, windstorms and death. Business undertakings in a stable economy
Dynamic Risk
Produced because of changes in a society, can be either pure or speculative
Dynamic Risk
Urban unrest, increasingly complex technology and changing attitudes of legislatures and courts about a variety of issues
Dynamic and static risks are independent; greater dynamic risks may increase some types of static risks
Dynamic and Static Risk Interaction
Environmental pollution caused by increased industrialization may be affecting global weather patterns
Subjective Risk
The mental state of an individual who experiences doubt or worry as to the outcome of a given event
Objective Risk
More precisely observable and therefore measurable, the probable variation of actual from expected experience
Why Manage Risks
Cost of sanctions
Civil claims
Legal cost
Statutory and common-law cleanup obligations
Natural resources damages claims
Direct lender liability
Adverse publicity
Loss of staff morale
Increased insurance premiums
Increased establishment costs
Increased financing costs
Future liability to provide indemnification agreements and warranties
Revocation of regulatory licenses and permits
Risk Management Process
1. Define the context and risk management criteria
2. Identify the risks
3. Assess the significance of those risks
4. Identify, select, and implement risk treatment options
5. Perform monitoring, review, and corrective actions
Risk Identification
Involves identification of risk events, estimation of likelihood of occurrence, and description of the consequences
Risk Analysis
The systematic process to determine how often events may occur and the magnitude of the likely consequences
Risk Evaluation
The process to determine risk management priorities by comparing the level of risk against predetermined standards, target risk levels, or other criteria